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Create a self-contract:


A self-contract is a contract or promise to yourself about your personal (mindset) or mental health. Since both goals and mental health can play a big part of your life, it's good to commit on working on it. This way you can have better control over your life.

Here's how a self-contract can look:

I, .......................................................................... (your name), will work on ....................................................................................................................................................................................because...... (Write 3-5 reasons why you want to do this) such as it will help me to feel better, go out more, relax, spend time with my family, do good at work or school). This will help you be on track during tough times.

Save this in your calendar, laptop, phone or journal. When you feel stuck or not doing well, look at your contract and see why it's important to manage your personal goals and/or mental health.

You can copy/paste self-contract at bottom to your email or phone. Review it so you remember your reasons.


I, .........................................................................., will do following:





My reasons: ........................................................................................................................................................................








Asking for help is a good thing



Your name

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